Rodrigo Melo Video Interview

Rodrigo Melo Video Interview

Join us in the eighth episode of The Figure Behind The Ink interview series, where we interview respected traditional Japanese tattooers, Horishi (彫師), from around the world.

We will be diving to unparalleled depths in traditional Japanese tattooing (Wabori/Horimono) interviewing coverage. The eighth Horishi to be interviewed for this new video and audio series is none other than @rodrigomelotattoo (Rodrigo Melo).

Learn how this Woodstock-based Horishi developed his unique style and seeks to create timeless compositions in his work.

@rodrigomelotattoo is based out of Woodstock, New York. His unique, traditional-inspired style brings to life timeless compositions.

This interview was first published on 10/6/2023 in the @waboripedia YouTube channel.

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