
Waboripedia Book

Waboripedia Book The Meanings and Stories Behind Japanese Tattoos

Get your copy of the first-ever Waboripedia book - covering the meanings and stories behind Japanese tattooing.


Horishi Interviews

Check out the Horishi interviews sections, where Waboripedia interviews famous Horishi (Japanese style tattooers) from all around the world.


Meanings and Stories Behind Japanese Tattoos

Read the history and meanings of traditional Japanese tattooing through the Waboripedia Instagram posts.

Waboripedia Meanings and Stories behind Japanese Traditional Tattooing


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Join the Waboripedia community and dive to unparalleled depths in traditional Japanese tattooing (Wabori/Horimono) traditional Japanese tattooer interviews, community interviews and discussions, educational videos on the culture, meanings and stories behind Japanese tattoos, and more.


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